Mirjana’s Words About the Sign and Warning to the World

Convert as quickly as possible. Open your hearts to God...

The following words were written in a letter to Pope John Paul II on 12/16/1983 conveyed by Mirjana given to her spiritual director at the time for 1983 and then relayed to the Pope.

“During the apparition of December 25, 1982, according to Mirjana the Madonna confided to her the tenth and last secret, and revealed to her, the dates in which the different secrets will be realized. The Blessed Virgin revealed to Mirjana some aspects of the future, up to the point in greater detail than to the other seers. For this reason, I am reporting here what Mirjana told me in a conversation of November 5, 1983. I summarized the essentials of her account, without literal quotation. Mirjana told me:

Before the visible sign is given to mankind, there will be three warnings to the world. The warnings will be in the form of events on earth. Mirjana will be a witness to them. Ten days before one of the admonitions, Mirjana will notify a priest of her choice. The witness of Mirjana will be confirmation of the apparitions and a stimulus for the conversion of the world.

After the admonitions, the visible sign will appear on the site of apparitions in Medjugorje for all the people to see. The sign will be given as a testimony to the apparitions and in order to call people back to faith.

The ninth and tenth secrets are serious. They concern chastisements for the sins of the world. Punishment is inevitable for we cannot expect the whole world to be converted. The punishment can be diminished by prayer and penance, but it cannot be eliminated. Mirjana says that one of the evils that threatened the world, the one contained in the seventh secret, has been averted thanks to prayer and fasting. That is why the Blessed Virgin continues to encourage prayer and fasting:

“You have forgotten that through prayer and fasting you can avert wars and suspend the laws of nature.”

After the first admonition the others will follow in a rather short time. Thus people will have some time for conversion.

The interval will be a period of grace and conversion. After the visible sign appears, those who are still alive will have little time for conversion. For that reason, the Blessed Virgin invites us to urgent conversion and reconciliation. The invitation to prayer and penance is meant to avert evil and war, but most of all to save souls.

According to Mirjana the events predicted by the Blessed Virgin are near. By virtue of this experience, Mirjana proclaims to the world, ‘CONVERT AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. OPEN YOUR HEARTS TO GOD.’