Freedom comes under the Law

Freedom comes under the Law

Freedom comes under the Law

Praise be Jesus Christ! I’ve often said I do not write unless I feel called to write. Today the Lord was clear that He wanted this teaching that He gave me to be shared, especially in this Nation where the Constitutional Law is always threatened and under attack. It makes sense now why freedom and liberty are at stake. Here is why as I understood it….

The Lord led me to the scripture of Galatians 3. I reviewed the whole chapter, trying to understand what was being said to me in this whole reading where St. Paul admonishes the Galatian people for their lack of understanding and returning to their former way of life. He reminds them that they are Christs’ body and that the error of the Jews was following the letter of the law” and not the “heart of the law”. Sounds like a form of religiosity which many of us fall into.

The Law of God, has been established to show His people, what sin is. It is a separation of the wheat from the chaff so to say, God’s children vs. satan’s children.

However even Law abiding sinners; even though we commit sin against the Law, the Lord has established his covenant with the forefathers and prophets before us. The promise of God, ie the covenant will never be broken as in this scripture as St. Paul declares. St. Paul speaks of the forefathers of his time with Abraham; but the covenant continues in Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David all the way to the fulfillment of the Law in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son.

The Lord told Abraham to take his “only son” Isaac with him for a sacrifice. The only son of Abraham I thought. Wait a minute, there is Ishmael. He is a son of Abraham also but the Lord seems to be saying, “not so”. But the word clearly said, “your only son” Isaac.

Isaac is the son of the promise or the covenant and legitimate son under the marriage law which ultimately is the line of the chosen people to Jesus Christ. The son of the covenant is not through a concubine. Even though Abraham sinned against the Lord by having relations with Hagar this did not stop the Lord from fulfilling his covenant conceiving his son Isaac.

I have learned that once God speaks, it is finished. Once God begins something Our Lady has said in Medjugorje, nothing can stop it. When the Lord speaks, something is done. No man on earth can stop what the Lord begins no matter how hard he tries. Man may get in the way and the spoken word may be delayed or have its time, but if it is spoken, its already done in eternity. In this light then we can see how the bible is a living Word spoken Word of God. Its eternal and is the same from the beginning when the words were first spoken and then written down.

May God thy gold refine

May God thy gold refine

Now a greater light came in this understanding to explain further the truth. I thank the Lord for His goodness, and I leave the rest to you for your own prayer and discernment.

It has been touted on many occasions that the illegitimate children of Abraham say that their law is above the law of God and the law of this land. The Constitution of the United States of America (and I am not one who is well versed in history by no means); written by the forefathers of this great nation has her foundation established in the union of the ‘United States’ – that is states united. The Laws of this Nation are founded on the laws and principals of the Commandments of God, rooted in Christian principals.

one Nation under God

one Nation under God

The Commandments of God are written in stone from the biblical text; meaning they are firm, NEVER to be changed or amended. No man has the power to change the commandments of God, nor will they ever have the power to change or delete the commandments of God as many man made institutions are still trying to omit in this time. These commandments are the Eternal Law, bound up and sealed in heaven, and God’s Almighty Justice is governed by them.

The forefathers of this nation bound to the Laws of God as Christian men, formed the Constitution in this principal.

The Lord continued in prayer to show an image of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence as a document of gold and covered in light as if it is itself a covenant between God and man, with the forefathers of this nation.

(Why was the Lord showing me this, I am asking). I then began to understand, that the enemy through the people who oppose the Lord and His laws is making a statement that the Constitution is an obstacle to them in what they want to accomplish with their agenda and their anti-Christ policies. Praise God it is so! May the Lord remember His promise He made to our forefathers which He established in this land and which is also consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Establish justice and unity

Establish justice and unity

Let our prayer be of such that Jesus Christ the universal and eternal covenant between God and man who poured out His precious blood for all generations may continue to bless and sanctify through His most precious blood the world and this great nation, that we may be a people as it was declared at the first day of independence, “one Nation UNDER GOD indivisible, with liberty and justice for all…may God thy gold refine”…through her purification (justification) to be a light once more to the nations.

Gal. 3:23-29, 4:6-7 “Before faith came, we were held in custody under, confined for faith that was to be revealed. Consequently the law was our disciplinary for Christ that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come we are no longer under a disciplinarian . For through faith you are all children of God in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourself with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendents, heirs according to the promise…As proof that you are children, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts crying out, ‘Abba Father!’. So you are no longer a slave, but a child and if a child then also an heir, through God…”

Freedom comes under the Law; freedom comes in Truth.

“Dear children, today I invite you to pray for peace. At this time, peace is threatened in a special way and I am seeking from you to renew fasting and prayer in your families. Dear children, I desire you to grasp the seriousness of the situation and that much of what will happen depends on your prayers, and you are praying a little bit! Dear children, I am with you and I am inviting you to begin to pray and fast seriously as in the first days of my coming. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (7/25/91)

Are we taking the message serious yet? Our future depends on our response to God’s call to conversion and our prayer. Live the message!

Pray and Fast America unceasingly

Pray and Fast America unceasingly

Medjugorje Febuary 25, 2013 Message

Do not let sin drag you to the things of the earth.  Be healed and reconciled

Do not let sin drag you to the things of the earth. Be healed and reconciled

Dear children! Also today I call you to prayer. Sin is pulling you towards worldly things and I have come to lead you towards holiness and the things of God, but you are struggling and spending your energies in the battle with the good and the evil that are in you. Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray until prayer becomes a joy for you and your life will become a simple walk towards God. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Calling You Apostles of the Latter Times, part II

My kingdom on earth is my life in the human soul

My kingdom on earth is my life in the human soul

Continued from part I…

You will give the gift of Jesus through your own person. Jesus said to St. Faustina “My Kingdom on earth is my life in the human soul.”(Diary 1784)

Our Lady will give birth to the life of Jesus in your human soul. And this Jesus, the living Word made flesh will be birthed all more into the world, through your living flesh and the Word made flesh in you.

I repeat, Jesus said on Christmas day, “I am your peace…” and Our Lady echoes his word in how to not only carry the Divine peace of God in our hearts, so that His peace will come into this peaceless world. With that comes His strength and fortitude. We will be able to stand firm and confident all the more in the Lord as the trials come. We receive a peace that the world does not promise…this is DIVINE THAT ONLY COMES FROM GOD.

Friends, this is the peace the apostles had at Pentecost. Remember, they were in the upper room, in fear after Jesus was crucified. It wasn’t only until Pentecost the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and Jesus breathing on them that they were able to go out of themselves from that room in hiding and proclaim the gospel, even to foreign territories.

Come follow me

Come follow me

Our Lady says and repeats in her message, do not be afraid to open your hearts. You got to be empowered with the Holy Spirit. You need the Holy Spirit of Truth to convey the message, just the way Our Lady gives it. The Church needs a new dose of the Holy Ghost! Pray for the Holy Spirit to come, pray for a new outpouring of the spirit over you, your families, your parishes, and the world.

What is blocking us from acting on this call. FEAR! How many of you are afraid of the future? Look what is going on since all of you heard the message from Our Lady. Look at the visionaries. Every one of them are traveling and speaking around the globe. They are showing the world, it does not have to live in fear, but live with God. They are acting like the apostles of the time of Jesus, appearing in many places. They are the prophets, the apostles of our time.

We are called to do the same. Its by their witness friends, that show us how to live our lives. These visionaries, these dear chosen apostles of Our Lady have given up their lives to serve pilgrims, who day in and day out for 32+ years now welcome people in their home, speak to them, and leave their families to bring the message of Our Lady to the world. They are witness to hope. They are witness to Faith, and Charity. They go NOT AFRAID. Our Lady walks with them, and makes sure they accomplish what they are called to do for HER.

In this message Our Lady tells us how we can be her apostles. Prayer and reconciliation is the answer to how to put on her holy garments. With her help and God’s grace that she wins for us, We HAVE to defeat the sin in the heart and put it to death to allow the fruits of the spirit to abide in us. That means, every grace you seek, and are given, must be spent in works. Grace is useless unless it is put to work.

Keep praying for the Shepherds and your priests. We need them stronger than ever in this time to be victim priests with Jesus, and work tirelessly for the sake of the kingdom and salvation of souls. Support them by prayer, as they grow weary and tired pulled in many different directions. Do not judge them. They are chosen by God for their call, and the cross over them weighs heavy enough on them. Pray the Lord will enlighten them and strengthen them to live worthy of the call they have received, and the Holy Spirit guide them.

The Church of God, that is the Catholic Church has its work cut out for them. We are entering into a new time and phase of the call of Medjugorje. These are the days like the time of the apostles. It is time to act.

If you have been to Medjugorje, you above all have the utmost responsibility to act and live what you have received. The seeds of life have been planted in your heart. Do not let that seed die and go to waste, but let it sprout forth a new tree of Life for the Kingdom of God.

I close on this word of St. Louis deMonfort“True Devotion to Mary”. We are living these times now!

“Mary has produced together with the Holy Spirit the greatest thing which has been or ever will be – a God Man; and she will consequently produce the greatest saints that there will be in the end of time. The formation and the education of the great saints who shall come at the end of the world are reserved for her. For it is only that singular and miraculous Virgin who can produce in union with the Holy Spirit singular and extraordinary things.

I have said this would come to pass particularly at the end of the world and indeed presently, because the Most High with His holy Mother has to form for Himself great saint, who shall surpass most of the other saints in sanctity as much as the cedars of Lebanon outgrow the little shrubs. These great souls full of grace and zeal, shall be chosen to match themselves against the enemies of God, who shall rage on all side and they shall be singularly devout to our Blessed Lady, illuminated by her light, strengthened with her nourishment led by her spirit, supported by her arm and sheltered under her protection, so that they shall fight with one hand and build with the other.”

If there is any question to who you are in this time, reflect on the words of this great saint. You have been chosen for this time.

I call you to be my apostles; cooperate with me

I call you to be my apostles; cooperate with me

Calling You Apostles of the Latter Times, part I

Today I thought I would share my personal prayer experience with this most recent message of Our Lady via Mirjana. I only write and post on this blog when I feel called to write.

Come Holy Spirit and bring a new baptism of your grace over us

Come Holy Spirit and bring a new baptism of your grace over us

Heaven was speaking loud this holy season of Christmas, with messages from four of the visionaries; all of whom were in different places. I have been praying my little heart out asking which message applies to my heart and family life, and how do we live it. Here we are now, several days at the close of the Christmas season and many things are coming to light in these message.

I encourage all to take these message to heart through deep contemplation. You cannot comprehend Our Lady’s words without prayer in the Holy Spirit, simply because Her words are authored by the Divine Author Himself. Let your hearts soak in the words, so that you are able to experience the Words from Heaven, and allow the little child Jesus Who was planted in your hearts to continue to grow anew in you.

For review below is the message of Our Lady given on 1/2/13 at the beginning of this new year. Keep in mind the extraordinary Word the Lord spoke as the infant child on Christmas day. “I am your peace, live my commandments.”

January 02, 2013 Message to Mirjana

“Dear children, with much love and patience I strive to make your hearts like unto mine. I strive, by my example, to teach you humility, wisdom and love because I need you; I cannot do without you my children.

According to God’s will I am choosing you, by His strength I am strengthening you. Therefore, my children, do not be afraid to open your hearts to me. I will give them to my Son and in return, He will give you the gift of Divine peace. You will carry it to all those whom you meet, you will witness God’s love with your life and you will give the gift of my Son through yourselves.

Through reconciliation, fasting and prayer, I will lead you. Immeasurable is my love. Do not be afraid. My children, pray for the shepherds. May your lips be shut to every judgment, because do not forget that my Son has chosen them and only He has the right to judge. Thank you.”

Our Lady began to remind us of her role as Mother. She is perfect Mother. A Mother with great love and patience for her child. A Mother who is teaching us how to be good. Wow! I thought, she wants my heart to be like hers. She wants me to have her humility, her wisdom, her Motherly love for those that God places in my life and those whom I meet.

Think about this for just a moment. We are talking about an Immaculate spotless heart, that flames and is burning out of love. A heart that is pierced, time and time again, by those who reject her, pay no regard to her, those who blaspheme against her Son and God, those who reject Truth, those who murder, commit sin and I can go on and on.

Her Immaculate heart feels pain for every bit of sin that opposes God and His Commandments, and all abuses to Her Son Jesus Christ and His Church.

Many of us don’t even realize it but we share in this pain with her already. But how are we expressing our pain is another story. Remember, this Woman the New Eve bared all in the silence of her heart, with the words ‘Amen, so be it‘ with great love and patience. This is exactly how she is speaking to us today, with great love and patience, putting up with us miserable sinful creatures whose hearts are cold, indifferent, slothful, critical, judgmental, boastful, puffed up, and well I think you can get the message here.

My heart burns and flames for love of you

My heart burns and flames for love of you

Is our likeness unto hers? I know I absolutely fall short of her goodness, her holiness, and her obedience. But this is what SHE DESIRES, and wants to teach us how to do live this way. Friends, we have to give her our ear, so we know how. We do not know how. Don’t think that you do, because you are human, you are a broken creature, and filled with wounds of the heart and sin.

The Mother said it is God who wills this to be so. God has chosen you. God has given you as a gift to her to cooperate with her in this plan, to walk with her, and learn from her so that we can be a visible witness to her and her presence in the world. Friends, if you are chosen by God, then should be not ought to strive to live the call worthy of what we receive. We have to work all the more harder, for to be chosen by God is a great, great (and I use this word in universal terms, not in human terms) GREAT gift, but comes with GREAT responsibility.

Our Lady gives a remedy however. If we do walk with her, if we do in the little ways she is asking us then she said very clearly…

“…by His strength I am strengthening you. Therefore, my children, do not be afraid to open your hearts to me. I will give them to my Son and in return, He will give you the gift of Divine peace. You will carry it to all those whom you meet, you will witness God’s love with your life and you will give the gift of my Son through yourselves…”

(continued in part II)

Ave Maria!

“Jesus summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them, ‘Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it…” (Mark 8:34-37)

When the Son of Man Comes-the Warning Part II

Come Holy Spirit of Truth

Concluding with what we began in the first part of this post, related to the message of 11/25/12 given by Our Lady to the world which said:

“Dear children! In this time of grace, I call all of you to renew prayer. Open yourselves to Holy Confession so that each of you may accept my call with the whole heart. I am with you and I protect you from the ruin of sin, but you must open yourselves to the way of conversion and holiness, that your heart may burn out of love for God. Give Him time and He will give Himself to you and thus, in the will of God you will discover the love and the joy of living. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Our Lady reminds us that we are in a time of grace. She said, “I call all of you to renew prayer… The term ALL OF YOU MEANS EVERY HUMAN BEING. She is leaving no body out. Every human being is called to turn to God in prayer. When we pray, we are open to her if we are praying with the heart. If we are praying with the heart, then we are able to examine ourselves and realize that we need holy confession, so that every human being will begin to purge from his heart sin and be open to grace to be “able to accept her call with whole hearts.

The Mother of God, your Mother and my Mother is here now in this world. She comes from eternity, God’s time in Heaven to enter into time in this hour of tribulation to protect us from ruin and sin, (as she said in the message above) and from satan who is cunning and leading many hearts to perdition, (message of 10/25/12)

She cannot help any of her children if they are not open to her, because she will not force herself over anyone’s free will.. We have to desire this with our whole heart to be open, our hearts must burn in love for God. Think about this. A heart that burns in love is a heart filled with the flames of love, it is refined, made holy and pure. We only have need to look at the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart to understand. These Two hearts are flaming hearts filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Make our hearts like unto thine

The Two Hearts of Jesus and mercy however, have been pierced, scorned, unloved, wounded, mocked, humiliated, and suffered all kinds of indifference and tortures. Both of the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary never faltered in faith, or for their love of God the Father and neighbor. Their hearts are always fixed on the work of redemption, and overcame such trials and triumph over the sins of the world.

In their humanity they grew into holiness; (Lk. 2) They grew in wisdom and in stature with a deep knowledge and understanding of God. Blessed Mother had 33 years of life with her Son on earth. 30 of those years were her Nazareth time alone with him in complete intimacy with God. Until the final (3) years when Jesus began His public mission for the salvation of souls. We know this by faith, and tradition of the Catholic faith. They grew in the Holy Spirit until they were ready to stand firm for the day that came when Jesus would suffer and die on the cross for the sins of men while Our Lady was able to stand by and profess, ‘Amen so be it.”

So here we are today, 31+ years of Medjugorje. Our Nazareth years with the Mother of God who is forming us in her Son, in the same spirit she was given in her earthly life. 31 years of a time of grace where the veil of heaven is lifted so that we can come to know the Lord and encounter Him in our prayer.

Our Lady has come to us. The grace we have is her time with us. This is our Nazareth time with her. She gives herself freely with open arms to those who are open to her, and to give us her Son, so that Jesus her Son will be so called impregnated in our souls and in the heart, and grow to maturity in us.

She comes as the Mother of the New Advent filled with the Word of God, to tell the world that God exists. She magnifies the Lord as the Woman clothed with the Sun in her appearance, that is with the light of God to give light to the world that God exists. She has come to crush the head of satan with her heel, that is her virtues, her way of holiness living in human souls. She has come to put emnity between the seed of satan, and has been planting her little seeds all over the globe.

I am leading on the path which leads to heaven…

If you have gone to Medjugorje, the seeds of Our Lady’s virtues have been planted in you. You dear children of Mary are called to cultivate and bring life to the seed through prayer and sacramental living.

You see, if we live the message as her witness, sin will be defeated in you, and virtue will triumph, which opposes the proud and lawless one.

Time has to be made for God to accomplish her work in the heart. Time given to God allows the Lord to plant this seeds of life in the heart. If we are not praying we are not open. If we are not going to confession, then the marks of sin remain on the soul and leads one into further darkness, and farther away from God. There are many who are withholding as well in the confessional, not confessing deep rooted sins, which still leaves the soul into darkness.

If we go to Confession, our souls is returned to sanctifying grace, made clean in the mercy of God, then God freely gives Himself to the soul and the Kingdom of God comes upon him, then Jesus will come into the areas of the heart where He wants new life to be formed in us.

When one is living with God – he has everything. Life without God has no future or hope. But when one is living in the will of God He discovers the love and joy of living, just as our Lady said above in her message.

Now friends, look around you; for the day of tribulation is here and covers the globe – assaulting everyone on earth as the Lord said it would. Is there anyone who is not on the cross today?

Now we will see who can withstand this time of tribulation, and who remains faithful to God in this YEAR OF FAITH. We have a great opportunity in this time to exercise faith, and watch God work His greatest miracles. It was faith that moved the heart of Jesus to such miracles. This is a time to go deeper in faith and be a sign and witness to faith and the presence of Our Lady in the world especially to those who do not know the love of God.

The Lord said to pray int he gospels, pray that you are able to withstand and have the strength to escape the tribulation. Ask the Lord to pray for you in this way, as He did with His apostles, knowing their weakness and knowing ours. The day is coming friends when the Lord will reveal Himself to the world. The great sign is coming when every human being will look upon Him Whom they have pierced and all will see himself in truth as the Lord sees them.

This is my beloved Son, listen to Him

Will you be able to stand firm before the Son of Man in your state in life today? This is the question you must ask.

Some will die of fright when this day comes. Some will tear at the flesh and will not be able to endure. But that day is imminent and looming over the world.

The answer is to walk with Our Lady in this time, who has said so often, “I am here to help you.” She will clothe us in her holy garments, for the day that comes.

Rejoice! Your redemption is at hand. The Kingdom of God is near. Come Lord Jesus!

Discern Everything Around You in Truth-revised

Persevere my Apostles…renew fasting and prayer

Mirjana’s Message – November 2, 2012

“Dear children, as a mother I implore you to persevere as my apostles. I am praying to my Son to give you Divine wisdom and strength. I am praying that you may discern everything around you according to God’s truth and to strongly resist everything that wants to distance you from my Son. I am praying that you may witness the love of the Heavenly Father according to my Son. My children, great grace has been given to you to be witnesses of God’s love. Do not take the given responsibility lightly. Do not sadden my motherly heart. As a mother I desire to rely on my children, on my apostles. Through fasting and prayer you are opening the way for me to pray to my Son for Him to be beside you and for His name to be holy through you. Pray for the shepherds because none of this would be possible without them. Thank you.”

Revised…for further discernment:

Dear apostles of these latter times, Our Lady is praying for you and strongly urging that we continue on and persevere.

Each one of you are important in this plan. Each one of you has a sense of your call and how Our Lady in the Lord desires to make use of you. Even if it is just as simple as living your conversion in your home among your loved ones. It is all important, as long as we are seeking conversion and holiness. Others are called and sent forth in an apostolic way, and so forth.

Study the life of the apostles, and see how much opposition they were confronted with in the early Church, yet their numbers grew by the thousands. Consider all the times they were rebuked for preaching in the name of Jesus, but did so anyway.

The same goes now. There are many who will tell you that they do not believe in Medjugorje or that you should not talk about Medjugorje. Its the same for apostles of today! Can you apostles of Our Lady deny who you are or what you have seen or witnessed? Absolutely not! You have been given signs, experienced the love of God so that you can be a witness! Like St. Peter said, “I cannot deny the things I have seen or heard.”

Do not quench the Spirit within you! Take it to heart and live it with seriousness.

Our Lady is praying that we receive Divine wisdom and strength. This is the wisdom of God. The strength of Jesus; supernatural strength to keep us on the cross for the world of salvation. Supernatural strength to carry the daily cross. To face the trials of the day, or of the world. However they may come. But she is praying for this grace.

She is praying that we remain in truth, and desires that we live truth, and to be a witness to truth, especially to those who do not know the love of God. We need to bring that truth in the love of Jesus her Son. BEG FOR THIS GRACE…REMEMBER SATAN IS CUNNING AND DECEIVING MANY HEARTS AND LEADING THEM TO PERDITION. WE NEED THE GIFT OF TRUTH!

With this friends, comes great responsibility. If you have been given the grace to work for God, then my friends, you must use that grace and pour it out to the point that you are emptied. Then God will fill you up again to the brim. Seek Jesus often and receive, receive, receive from Him before the most Blessed Sacrament and Holy Mass. Here is where your strength will come.

Our Lady is guiding us, and giving us detailed instruction on how to steer our way through this dark time. Take her messages with heart and obey her words. You will not be disappointed. Remember she is our consolation, our sweetness, and hope. And has alone the victory of God to triumph and crush the head satan.

Still yet, I am called to go deeper into her message. As she bring the light all the more, I hope to have the opportunity to share…God willing.

Ave Maria!

May Jesus Reign Over Your Entire Being

May Jesus be born anew in you

“Dear children, today when Jesus is born anew for you in a special way, I want to call you to conversion. Pray, pray, pray for the conversion of your heart, so that Jesus may be born in you all and may dwelling you and come to reign over your entire being. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (12/25/01)

Now we are getting down to brass tactics. Here is the whole purpose of the call of the Mother of God. MAY JESUS BE BORN IN YOU ANEW.

St. Irenaeus once said, “the glory of God is man fully alive”. Jesus is the glory of God. Fully human and fully divine.

The Mother of God wants nothing less for us. She wants her Son to be born anew in us. She wants Jesus to be visible in us, the glory of God in the Spirit of Jesus.

This is what Adam had in the beginning. He was filled with life until he disobeyed God and sinned against God, which brought death. And from that point on, it would be only through toil and labor that we should get bread to eat and earn merit for eternal life.

Our Lady is the perfect image of how to conceive Jesus in the heart through prayer and a longing and desire for the savior to enter the world. She ardently prayed to God for His coming before the angel Gabriel was sent from God. And then the Holy Spirit overshadowed her, ultimately planting the seed of the Word made flesh in her womb. And she triumphantly gave birth to the Word made Flesh into the World.

It is the same for us, we have to have the desire and longing for communion with God, and pray to the Holy Spirit to come and over shadow us and baptize us a new, so that a new birthing of Jesus is born in our hearts, and then we will ultimately bring Him to life in the world. We must become the living Word in the flesh.

Our Lady said, “pray, pray, pray for the conversion of your heart.”

Dear friends, conversion of heart is necessary for Jesus to live in us. When we cooperate with sin, we cooperate with satan. When we reject sin and desire conversion of heart, then we are choosing Jesus. The more that the spirit of Jesus will abide in us the more life will come to the world.

Our Lady said in 1981 and perpetually that the sin of the world is so great and there are so many of them. This is how heaven looks down upon the earth. If we can see it in this perspective, then we can see how great the sin is in universal terms. The earth is dark as it was in the beginning (Gen. 1:1).

The Mother of God remains at the foot of the cross perpetually praying to her Son to forgive the sins of the world. He eyes she once said are always on the work of redemption in her Son.

Where there is sin, there is no life. And because of the great sin on the earth, satan is manifesting more and more in perverse ways. Can we not perceive this already. Just look at what the world is becoming like, a Godless generation as if man is his own God.

Pray for the fullness of the Holy Spirit to come!

When we experience conversion of heart, we are saying yes to God. And we are allowing the Spirit of Jesus to possess our hearts in that area. Once Jesus has claimed the victory in one area, then we begin to work on our hearts in another area to defeat the sin in ourselves.

The Father wants to see His Son. in us. Remember Jesus is the only acceptable sacrifice that pleased the Father. Therefore, everything we do, we have to look like Jesus. We have to decrease, (die to our self) and let Jesus increase in us.

Pray, pray, pray unceasingly for the conversion of your hearts.

Blessed Mother obtain for us the gift of a deep conversion of heart. Teach us how to live a life of beatitude as you taught your Son Jesus in the home. I want to be your child, humble and devout. I renew my Fiat to you this day as you gave yours to the world. Obtain for us every grace and blessing from God and pour it all into our hearts. Our Lady Queen of Peace, pray for us!

Monthly Message to Mirjana 8/2/11

Become a new people with my Soon

Dear children,

Today I call you to be born anew in prayer and through the Holy Spirit, to become a new people with my Son; a people who knows that if they have lost God, they have lost themselves; a people who knows that, with God, despite all sufferings and trials, they are secure and saved.

I call you to gather into God’s family and to be strengthened with the Father’s strength.

As individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it. But, according to God’s will, all together, with my Son, you can change everything and heal the world.

I call you to pray with all your heart for your shepherds [priests], because my Son chose them. Thank you

You will Lament for the Message

My eyes will always be upon you...

“Dear children, during this time multiply your prayers and go deeper into the messages that I have given. Tonight when you go home, pray the Joyful Mysteries in front of the crucifix.”

Our Lady gave this message on 2/27/89, but has recently led me to it for my private prayer. Through her message I felt in my heart she is calling me to deeper prayer, and to spend more time in prayer during this time.

Of course for our present situation, we are in a family transition and a move, and we are really looking to heaven to help us and to guide us.

In my private prayer my thoughts were not exactly on our personal situation. You see, I have been putting this off in sharing, as she had given this message to me on 7/9/11 which was several days ago from now. What she said after this made my heart sink.

Again, as with all private revelation, you must take this for your own discernment, and retain what is good. What was meant for me, may not be for you dear reader.

However Our Lady is keeping this at the fore front of my heart, which has always meant for me is that she wants this to be brought to light. So I am sharing her words she gave to my heart.

Multiply your prayers she said…this is where I begin…

The Our Lady said to me:

“A great event is about to occur on this earth. My little one I want you and your family to remain in prayer during this time.”

Then she referred me to another message from her Medjugorje messages given on 10/25/05 —

“Believe pray and love, and God will be near you. He will give you the gift of all the graces you seek from Him. I am a gift to you, because from day to day, God permits me to be with you and to love each of you with immeasurable love. Therefore little children, in prayer and in humility open your hearts and be witnesses of my presence. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

I saw myself as a little girl holding the hand of Blessed mother, looking up to her and asking her questions as a child would in innocence. I told her I looked to her to teach me, because I am a little child and I do not know the way to heaven. The simple words of “Believe, pray and love” kept coming and repeating in my heart along with “multiply your prayers…

Then my thoughts started to go toward my first born who is going off to college, and I said, “I know she feels she is losing me! I don’t want her to feel this way, especially with the distance that will be between us. I want her to know I am always near to her and that she does not need to be afraid…” and then I saw in the same way this is me with Blessed Mother.

Blessed Mother often teaches me through my own Motherhood and my imperfect relationship with my children. But in this case we are moving to another state while my child is beginning a new life on to college, much further from home now.

These are the words though that made my heart sink as I began to understand that Blessed Mother will be leaving soon…tears pour from my eyes at the thought of this, because I have literally grown up with her at my side, and I cannot bear to think that she will not be appearing in the world any more, and knowing she said in Medjugorje, “when I am no longer appearing you will lament for the message…”

She clearly is stepping back now, for the Father to step in. I don’t know the day, I don’t know the hour, but I do know it is soon, and sooner than we think. And I look around me and I see, countless will be caught by surprise and thrown into despair.

Her private message to me said this…

“My little one, I will be departing soon, but as I have promised, the eyes of my heart will always be upon you. I have taught you well my little one, you only need now to put to life what I have taught you. The message I give will always be your guide, in union with the Holy Bible. As I have taught you, it is through the message you will find me near to you. My little one, the hearts of men have grown cold. I must now decrease, and allow the Father to come to correct His children. Remain vigilant in prayer and you will be united with me in spirit. Remember I am your Mother and that I love you.”

I felt the Mother’s work on this earth is coming to its completion. 30 years she has been with us. It was in the 30th year that St. John the Baptist was beheaded, and it appears the herald for our time; the St. John the Baptist of our time is also being beheaded; many of you know who I am speaking about. It is the time now before the public mission of Jesus with his apostles began.

The apostles of this time are about to do mighty deeds in the name of Jesus.

“The Harvest is ready, but the laborers are few…”

The apostles of the Lord are being put into position through out the globe for what is about to take place in this great event the Mother speaks of.

Then the Mother gave the scripture from the Wedding of Cana, where she said to her Son, “They have no more wine…” There is no more wine to fill the jars. Our hearts, our souls are empty, and then the Lord said to His Mother, “what do you want me to do about it?” Her response is to her apostles; that is, “Do whatever He tells you…”

Dear apostles of these latter times – you know who you are, it is time now to get yourselves in the posture of silence and listening for His command, to fill those jars to the brim so the new wine can be poured out into the world.

The hours is coming upon us where the Son of Man will be made known, in His greatest act of mercy for the world.

Multiply your prayers my friends that you may be ready in the coming days, within the next couple of years for what the Lord has formed you for. Remember, 33 years is the perfect year-the year of the Lord when He triumphed and crushed the head of satan.

The Lord has allowed satan to try the Church for a reason, knowing what He had in mind and what He was going to do for man. He is about to be manifest in His fullness. Woe to those who do not recognize the time of this visitation, that is the visitation of the Blessed Mother who was sent by her Son to call the world to conversion FOR THE LAST TIME.

After I received this light, a strange peace and calm came over me, for I know in my heart it is all business now.

Jesus please keep the eyes of my heart upon you!

Those who have ears ought to hear…

Prodigal Children, Come Home – Part 4 of 4

Father forgive them, they know not what they are doing...

“Dear children, today I call you to a difficult and painful step for your unity with my Son. I call you to complete admission and confession of sins, to purification. An impure heart cannot be in my Son and with my Son. An impure heart cannot give the fruit of love and unity. An impure heart cannot do correct and just things; it is not an example of the beauty of God’s love to those who surround it and to those who have not come to know that love. You, my children, are gathering around me full of enthusiasm, desire and expectations, and I implore the Good Father to, through the Holy Spirit, put my Son – faith, into your purified hearts. My children, obey me, set out with me.”

Afterwards Mirjana said that as Our Lady left she saw a scene that showed darkness on the left and a cross in golden light on the right. Mirjana said she believed that this was Our Lady’s way of showing the difference between a purified and unpurified heart.

As we conclude the reflection of the most recent message from the Mother of God given on 7/2/2011, my hope is that an understanding is coming to light of where we are at as a people of God, or better yet, the prodigal family of God.

The Father is waiting for His children to come back home to His embrace, that is every one of us who have squandered the inheritance and His blessings, through the frivolous spending of excessive entertainment and material wants. He is waiting with open arms and has the fattened calf ready for the great feast.

However recall in this parable, it is the prodigal son who admits what He has done, when he has nothing left, and has been stripped of everything including his dignity before returning to His Father’s embrace. And only then does he kneel before the Father and confesses his sin of disobedience and licentious life he spent wandering as the wayward child.

(If necessary, God the Father will permit you to be stripped to nothing if you cannot return on your knees by your own will, for He is determined to have your salvation and knows what is best for you.)

The Father however upon hearing the remorse of His son, forgets it all, and embraces His son with great delight and welcomes him back home with overwhelming joy and celebration.

Come on dear children of the Family of God. It’s time to come home. Admit your sin, and confess it to the one who forgives, receive His absolution and be made pure. This is what the Mother wants for you. She wants you back home with her in the one loving family.

I saw this quote recently. Consider these words and live by them…


“All Christians in any state or walk of life are called to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of charity. All are called to holiness. Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (CCC 2013)